Newsletter – 30th January 2022

Hi there

Not quite sure where January went!

Couch to 5K

Welcome to everyone who has started our C25K programme.  I hope you are enjoying it.  We are looking forward to helping you celebrate your graduation on the 12th March at Newent parkrun.

Cross Country

We managed to put out both a Women’s and Men’s team out at Rotherwas in January and had 3 Age Category wins!  Well done everyone.  The final race of the winter season is on 6th February at Presteigne.  Keep an eye out on the Facebook page for more details and speak to Neil Grinnell if you would like to take part.  Be good to get two teams out again.

The summer cross country league is now in it’s planning phase.  We would really like to try and get as many people out as possible to these.  They are held on a Wednesday evening and the July one will be part of the league this year.  We hope to hold some training events for these once the lighter nights arrive.  Keep an eye out in the newsletter for more details.


The AGM was held on 13th Jan.  Thank you to everyone who came and contributed.

The Committee for 2022 is:-

Helen Keegan – Chair

Sally Smart – Treasurer

Jayne Cresswell – Secretary

Chris Law – Race Director

Jo Taylor-Greig – Social Secretary

Neil Grinnell – Cross Country Rep and Kit

Publicity – Rachel Bannister

Website – David Bannister

Membership Secretary – Mark Lister

Health and Safety Co-ordinator – vacant  however Mark Lister and Sue Kirk will review the current policies that we have in place.

The minutes from the AGM can be found here:- Minutes 13th Jan 2022 – AGM

Magnificent Eastnor Castle 7 – 3rd April 2022

This is our club race.  We will be looking for volunteers to set up, marshall etc nearer the time.  Right now though we need runners to take part.  Please do share the Facebook posts as far as possible so that we can attract runners to our event   .  


David Bannister is currently working on the website, updating it and adding in new features – such as which club runners have taken part in a parkrun this weekend –  Keep checking back regularly to see what has changed.  If there is something that you would like to see on the website, please do let me know.

We also have a new Race Reports section so please do write the reports and send in the photos to keep this as full as possible.

League 2022

The first race was held at the Kymin Fell Race in January.  Well done to those who took part in a very tough race.  Details of the races in the championship can be found here:-

Thursday Night Sessions

These are held at 6:30 pm on Thursdays at the junction of Prince Rupert Raod and New Mills Road (2nd turning on the left as you come up from Homebase).  Currently, they are geared towards the 5K parkrun on 12th March.  Once the nights start getting lighter, Kate will put on her popular hill sessions again.  More information on those to follow….

Dates for your diary

5th and 6th Feb – Mayhill Massacre

6th February – Stourbridge Stagger 

6th February – Herefordshire Cross-country League race at Presteigne

11th February – Rogue Runs night race at Beech House Forest of Dean  race details

13th February – Muddy Woody – Haugh Wood  Wye Valley Runners

20th Feb 2022  Hereford 10 Mile Race

27th March 2022 – Pendock Chicken Run

6th April 2022 – Hereford Couriers 5K Series

15th April 2022 – Leominster 5K

7th May 2022 – Wye Valley Trail Running Challenge

29th May 2022 – City of Gloucester Triathlon

11th June 2022 – Offa’s Dyke 15



If you would like a club vest, please speak to Neil Grinnell and he will try and sort you out with one.

If you would like training kit with Ledbury Harriers on, please follow this link


I think that it is all for now.  Look forward to seeing you all out running.  The lighter nights are on their way!

