Newsletter 31st July 2022

Hi there

A quick one tonight.

Cross Country

A big thank you to everyone who helped out on Wednesday evening from marshalling duties, cake baking, set-up, car parking duties etc.  It was a great success and a good end to the summer coss country league.  A big ‘Thank you’ to Neil, David and Steve for organising the venue, choosing a suitably challenging course and doing all the other behind-the-scenes work that goes into putting on a sucessful event.

Congratulations also go to Kate Green for winning her age category and to Neil for coming third in his. Excellent running from you both.

Thank you also goes to Weston’s Cider for allowing us to run in their orchards and providing the cider at the end. Also to Laura for the donation of the crisps. They went down very well.

Tuesday Night Run

Tuesday’s run will take place from The Beauchmp Arms in Dymock. 6:30pm for a 6:45pm start. Chips afterwards!

Frith Wood Access

Further to the information that I had on Tuesday night about the access to Frith Wood, Forestry England have been in touch with Liz Harvey from the Town Council.  They have said the following:-

The public are entitled to use the access to Frith Wood (ie the path in front of the house) as Forestry England’s licensees as has been the case since Frith Wood House was sold by the Forestry Commission in 1974.  This right of way exists by reservation contained in the deeds of Frith Wood House.  Forestry England will continue to encourage the public to use the access, as is their right to do so, 

Forestry England would like to remind anyone using the Frith Wood access to be respectful of the owner of Frith Wood House and to refrain from stopping along the track, keep dogs on leads and remove any dog mess.

Obviously this is a sensitive issue so please do take Forestry England’s advice about respectful behaviour if you are using the path.


That’s all for now.

