Newsletter – 1st January 2023

Happy New Year!

I hope that you have had a good Festive period and are looking forward to what 2023 might bring!

2022 was a year of getting back to some sort of normality after the previous 2 years of COVID disruption.  As a club, we had a great year.  A truly Magnificient Eastnor Castle 7 in April – the first with cani-cross and almost all entries sold out.  Neil and team put together a fantastic summer cross-country race in July at Westons which went down very well with the Summer cross country league.

We had lots of social events as well.  The summer pub runs, some cycling and walking trips and our Annual Dinner.  Thanks to Jo Taylor-Greig for organising these for us.

We got back to racing and running with our usual groups.  There was a good turnout for the Newent Nine, Hereford Christmas 10K amongst other races.  The London Marathon was held in person and virtually and we had good club representation at both.  Parkrun has been a feature of the year with club members runinng at lots of different venues.

Membership has held up as well and it’s great to see so many of you on a Tuesday night.

2023 looks like being another busy year for the club.

The Magnificent Eastnor Castle 7 will be held on 19th March.  Entries are now open at  and – cani cross

Please pass the message around so we get lots of runners (and dogs!) again this year.  Please also put the date in your diary as we will need volunteers for both the Saturday (Course Set-up) and the Sunday (Marshalling etc)

AGM – 12th January 2023

The club AGM will be held on 12th January at The Rugby Club – 7:45 for an 8:00 start.  Everyone is welcome.  This is your club so please come along and put forward ideas and suggestions to help make the club successful.  There are 3 vacancies on the committee this year –  Chair, Secretary and Social Secretary.  We do have volunteers for the Secretary and Social Secretary roles.  If you are interested in helping out with any of the above roles or anything else within the club, please let me know or just turn up to the meeting on the 12th.


The next race in the winter Cross Country League is onn 15th January at Croft Castle.  Please see Neil if you are interested in taking part.

On 22nd January at Lucton School, there is the Herefordshire Cross Country Championships.  This is open for everyone school year 4 and upwards.  The entry is online here- Herefordshire CC entry

Couch to 5K

We are running our popular Couch to 5K course starting on Sunday 8th Jan.  Please let people know who might be interested.

Club runs start back on Tuesday 3rd January at the Rugby Club as usual.


Look forward to having another great year with the Harriers!

