April Newsletter

Dear Members,

The lighter nights have made it easier for many of us to get out running again, lets hope the weather improves and we can do some more off road running soon.

There is quite a lot going on in the near future, but first huge congratulations to the 5 members of the club who all successfully completed the London Marathon; Dave Bannister, Tor Band, Chris Grubb, Laura Webb and Martin Williams. Great effort by all of you.


Membership fees are now due, £15 for standard membership, £32 for England Athletics affiliated membership. Affiliated membership is only available until 31st May.

50 people have already renewed. Please let me have your completed forms as soon as possible and pay by BACS if you can.

Any questions please just ask.

ICE Tags

We now have a supply of ICE (In Case of Emergency) tags which you can attach to your running shoe or watch. They are free for all members. I will bring some down on Tuesday nights.

Pub Runs

Summer pub runs will start again on Tuesday 6th June. As usual we shall run from a different pub on the first Tuesday of the month. Chips will be available afterwards. Look out for details on the website and on the club facebook page (Ledbury Harriers (Members Only).

Newent parkrun Takeover 24th June

We are planning to take on all of the volunteer roles at Newent parkrun on 24th June. If possible we need about 10 people to fill the roles but if we could also get some pacers to run as well that would be fantastic. I will post more details nearer the time but please save the date.

Summer Cross Country

The dates for the Summer Cross Country League have been fixed.

14th June, 28th June, 12th July and 26th July.

Deatails of venues and times will be posted when confirmed.

We will be hosting the final race at Westons Cider in Much Marcle. Neil will be asking for volunteers to help set up on the day before and for marshals for the race itself. We hosted the race for the first time last year and it was a great success. Please help if you can.

If you want to run in the league Neil will let you know how to register and details of each race will be posted on the website and facebook.

Upcoming Races

Details of some upcoming races:

7th May Shobdon Wood Shobdon Wood Race – Croft Ambrey Running Club

28th May,Dymock Half marathon and 5 mile race  Dymock Half Marathon and 5 Mile Race – EntryCentral

25th June Gloucester City 10k Gloucester 10k – Run Gloucester 2023

Ledbury Harriers (members only) facebook group

Most of you are members of this facebook group which we set up earlier this year as the original group has more than 500 members. We are using the new group to get information out to current club members. If you are a club member and are not yet on the facebook group, please let Rachel Bannister or me know.

Good running
