November Newsletter

Greetings from a very wet Devon, where I am on holiday for a week,

November has been a very busy month and it looks like December and the run up to Christmas is going to be equally busy.

Newent 9

We had a fantastic turn out of club members for last week’s Newent 9, twenty two by my reckoning. Congratulations to all who ran. I hope you enjoyed it.

Winter Cross Country

The next race is on 3rd December hosted by Wye Valley Runners. Keep an eye on facebook for details.

parkrun Away day 9th December

We are planning to have an away day to the new parkrun at Hay on Wye on 9th December. They have had problems with flooding and have only managed three events, including yesterday (25th November). Let’s hope it stays dry for a few days. If it is cancelled, we may well look at a different parkrun so keep an eye on facebook and the LDHparkrun WhatsApp group (please let me know if you want to be added to that group).

Tuesday 19th December Last Club Run before Christmas

Quite a few of you have already told me you are coming and want sausage and chips (veggie option available) and mince pies. £6 per head. Please pay by BACS if possible and let me know if you are coming by Tuesday 12th December.

Couch to 5K

Our C25K course will start on Sunday 7th January 2024 and run for 9 weeks on Sunday mornings. We will be advertising it over the next few weeks but if you are interested in helping to lead it or you know of anyone interested in joining the course please let Sally Smart or me know.

AGM and Dinner

Jayne is working on a venue for the annual dinner in January, date to be confirmed. We will let you know as soon as it is confirmed.

Club Social Media Officer

As most of you know Rachel Bannister is standing down as the club’s Social Media Officer in the New Year. She has done a brilliant job over the last few years. We are looking for someone to take over the role in the New Year. Promoting the Magnificent Eastnor Castle Race and ensuring the club has a good social media profile are the main elements of the job. A good understanding of marketing and social media (particularly Instagram and facebook would be useful. If you are interested in taking on the role (or even part of it) please let me know. Rachel will be able to provide more information if you need it.

Magnificent Eastnor Castle Race 2024

The race will take place on 17th March next year. Please save the date as we shall need marshals etc.

We are also looking for sponsors for the race. We have already made contact with one potential sponsor but it would be good to cover a substantial proportion of the cost of running the race so that we can keep entry costs down and make a larger donation to local charities.

Best wishes,
