December Newsletter


An early newsletter this month because of Christmas.

I hope that everyone who was at the rugby club on Tuesday enjoyed themselves, it was a great turnout.

Just a reminder that the next Tuesday club run is on 2nd January 2024. There is Fun and Fast tonight as usual (6.00 at Prince Rupert Road). I will leave it to Dave to decide if we have one next week.

Couch to 5K

The course begins on Sunday 7th January. We still have some places available so if you know anyone who would like to do it please ask them to contact us via the link on the website. Thank you to those who have offered to help run the course.

Club Kit

I will post details of how to order vests and running shirts in the New Year. Neil has sourced a new supplier and we will aim to get an order together by the end of January. The likely cost is £26 for vests and £28 for running shirts, but it will depend on how many orders we get.

Magnificent Eastnor Castle 7

Entries will open for both races (run and canicross) on 27th December via

The race is on 17th March so please save the date. We always need people to volunteer to help on the day with marshaling etc so please help if you can.

Please also get the word out. We have been extremely fortunate to have Rachel Bannister as our social media officer for the last couple of years and she has done an amazing job in publicising the event. She is stepping down from the role in the New Year. If you have the skills and time necessary to take it on please let me know. If not please use all of your contacts to publicise the race.

AGM and Dinner

The Club AGM and dinner is taking place on 20th January 2024 at The FullPitcher on New Street at 7.00.

Please book by messaging or emailing Jayne (

The cost is £11 for carvery or £15 carvery plus pudding. Payment please to the club account and let Jayne know of any dietary requirements.

Please come along if you can. It is your opportunity to have your say about how the club is run and to get involved if you want to. We promise that the AGM won’t take long and it will be an opportunity to have a meal and talk all things running (and anything else you want to chat about).

Festive 5 2024

I have been asked to publicise this race which takes place on 7th January at Fladbury in Worcestershire. Edd Hogan recommends it and there are only a few places left.

Fladbury Festive 5 (

Finally a few thankyous to those who have helped make my first year as Chair of the club a very easy ride, in no particular order

Chris and Helen for organising the Mag7 race so brilliantly

Rachel for all of her superb work as Social Media Officer

Dave B for his work as webmaster and organising parkrun awaydays

Neil for sorting out the new kit supplier, organising the Cross Country teams and hosting the Summer Cross Country race at Westons

Dave E for organising fun and fast and being club Secretary

Jayne for organising the pub runs and the AGM as Social Secretary

Sally for her work as Treasurer and organising the Couch to 5K courses

All of the Tuesday Club Run Leaders

I hope I haven’t missed anyone out but if I have they will no doubt let me know.

That just leaves for me to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
