August 22nd 2021 – Parkk Bryn Bach Aquathlon

August 22nd 2021 – Parkk Bryn Bach Aquathlon

Swimming and running this time! Sian Aubrey took on this Aquathlon and told us how it went…

Looking around at everyone else limbering up on a sunny August evening I thought what am I doing?  I had entered the Parc Bryn Bach Aquathlon in the hope to get some experience of a race swim start.   The race is the third of an Aquathlon series meaning that most people had completed the course twice in the previous races in June and July.

After the briefing we were counted into the water, I spent far too much time faffing about getting my swim hat on right and before I knew it the start klaxon had gone. I went for it thinking I would be last and worked hard to get with a group. The sun was setting on the gorgeous lake and every time I sighted I could barely see the bright yellow buoys. Instead I focused on a rhythm and the person’s feet in front of me. As we turned for the home straight I decided to try and overtake the man in front of me, I succeeded but not before he walloped me on the head with his hand (accidentally I hope!). Clambering out of the water, 750m done I ran to transition. Wetsuit off, shoes on and out for the 5k run.  After trying to get my breath I settled into a steady pace. I didn’t wear my watch so had no idea what time or pace I was doing. The 5km was two laps of the lake  with an added turn around on a slope each time. Marshall’s shouted encouragement at every corner and there were lots of spectators which helped!  Before I knew it it was time for the final sprint, I managed to overtake a lady on the final stretch and finished in 60th place out of 75. No medal but, considering how organised it was for a small race I didn’t mind!  A beautiful setting and really lucky to complete an Aquathlon with the swim in open water. Really pleased with my total time of 50:03 , I will be back!