C25k Homework!

We had a very encouraging week 2 of the current couch to 5k group. Well done everyone for getting out during the week. The feedback we get is that it really helps if you do the session(s) in between coming to the club.

Catherine (one of our group) is meeting up with others at the Rugby Club on Thursday at 6.30pm to repeat the session we did last night. 30 mins of 90 secs run, 1 min walk. The first repetition is always the hardest so start with 1 min run and since it is easier at the end have a go at running for 2 mins on the last one. If you can’t make this session do have a go at it on your own.

Tip of the week is ARMS..Keep your arms at 90 degrees

Your arms should be bent at a 90-degree angle. Try to swing them forward and back, not across your body. The arm movement helps to propel you forward, so swinging them sideways is a waste of energy.

Jayne & Denise are your leaders next week.

1 thought on “C25k Homework!”

  1. Thanks Sally , for everyone who wants to join us on Thursday we are meeting at the Rugby club to warm up . We did suggest the Full pitcher but have decided that the Rugby club is better for parking etc so see you there 630

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