Results Yacht Handicap Spring 2018
Results Yacht Handicap Spring 2018
Results Yacht Handicap Spring 2018
Session for this week is 1km’s. Choose 5,6,7 or 8. Meet as usual 6.15pm ready to start! We were low in numbers last couple of …[Read More]
Well done to all those who came along last night to our c25k course. 10 mins running continuously towards Leddington. We turned at the post …[Read More]
Session for this week is mile reps. 3 or 4. Hope it’s not too hot.
Session for this week is: 800m – choose between 6 and 8. Enjoy!
Session this week is: (1200, 600,) by 4. I’ll be thinking of you as I conquer a col or two??!!
We had a very encouraging week 2 of the current couch to 5k group. Well done everyone for getting out during the week. The feedback …[Read More]
All welcome to join us for Fun & Fast. We are doing: 2 x 600m, 800m, 1200m, 800m, 2 x 600m. Add another 1200m if …[Read More]
Meet tonight at the Rugby Club 6.15pm as usual. Look forward to seeing you all there!
Rather than send directly to St Michael’s Hospice we are offering Ledbury Harriers first option on some running gear. Only available on club training nights …[Read More]