February 13th 2022 – Muddy Woody 6

February 13th 2022 – Muddy Woody 6

Jayne Cresswell provided us with a report from this fabulously muddy (and hilly) annual local race…

Every time I enter this race, I cross the finish line saying never again! December 2021, a friend messaged me to say she was entering and would I run it with her, she had only just started running. I said yes and duly entered. This friend had only just taken up running so I thought I wouldn’t be too far behind her. The I saw her results for Hereford 10K, 52 minutes – I knew there was not way we would be running together!

The weather on the morning of the race was wet! It had poured over night and was still raining. I knew it was going to be well and truly muddy- I love mud. A friend picked me up, we collected our numbers and then went back to the car to change our trainers. My friend then discovered she had left her trail trainers at home but fair play, she was still going to run. I told her I’d stick with her and we’d run together.

The race, if you don’t know it, runs around Haugh Woods in Woolhope. It lives up to its name as it is muddy and woody. What is missing from the title is the hilliness of the race. What it should be named is Hilly, Muddy Woody 6.

I tried to catch up with as many Harriers as I could, but only saw Sarah, Nick, Rachel and David, who were wearing the latest fashion – a bin bag, Steve, Ian and Mark. So a group photo was not possible. I think the rain made us all hide away until the start of the race.

During the race, I stayed with my friend without the trail trainers. I must say, I’m pretty impressed that she took on the challenge to continue with running. Not sure I would have done. The race, I felt, was easier then previous years. Due to felling of trees, we didn’t have the final muddy descent and climb back up (not that I’m complaining.) The mud was muddier and the brook deeper, but I loved it all the same. I didn’t finish saying never again. So who is going to join me next year?

I would like to say a big thank you to all the friendly encouraging marshals and to the tail runner who supported us all the way round. This is such a friendly race, and no one should be nervous about giving it ago.

As for the friend who persuaded me to join her, she sadly twisted her ankle a mile in and ended up being treated by the first aiders…Thankfully she only has a swollen ankle, so will recover and be back running soon.