February Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

The weather has been pretty awful over the last couple of weeks but it is good to see people out and about and as it gets lighter in the evenings and hopefully a bit drier and warmer it would be great to see you on a Tuesday evening.

There is lots going on:

Winter Cross Country League

The last race of the Winter league took place last Sunday (25th) well done to all who took part in what were very difficult conditions.

The Summer League will soon be upon us. Look out for posts and messages from Neil about registering to take part if you are interested.

Magnificent Eastnor 7 Race

The race is now less than three weeks away and entries close on Sunday 10th March. As I write we have over 110 entries for the main race and the canicross is sold out with 60 entries and a waiting list. Please look out for posts on facebook and share them as far and wide as possible.

Chris has put out requests for volunteers and there is a WhatsApp group for those who have already offered to help on either Saturday, to set the course up, or on Sunday for the race itself. If you are able to help and haven’t yet told Chris please let him know and he can add you to the WhatsApp group.

It is always a great day and there will be lots of cake available at the end for runners, dogs and volunteers.

Club Kit

The order for new kit is in production and I hope that it will be delivered in the next couple of weeks. As soon as I know something I will put a post on the website and let those who have paid for their vests and tee shirts know direct.

We have ordered extra kit which will be available to purchase for those who missed the original deadline and new members.

Couch to 5K

Next Sunday, 3rd March, the group will be running their first 5K around the town. There will be a celebration meal of sausage and chips next Tuesday (5th March) at the rugby club (after the usual club run) when graduation tee shirts will be handed out and on 9th March most of the graduates and leaders will be running Newent parkrun. It would be great if other club members, particularly regular parkrunners, could join us. If you are not a parkrunner but would like to give it a go please come along as well.

Tuesday Club Runs…a plea from run leaders

As you know we have a limited number of run leaders many of who lead a group most weeks. If you would like to have a go at becoming a leader please let me know and I can talk you through what is involved.

May I also please remind everyone that when you are on a club run to please respect any instructions given by the leader. This is particularly important when running in a large group on roads without pavements. Please also muster back if you are running at a faster pace than others in your group so that you are not leaving anyone behind.

Have a great month running and by the time of the next newsletter we will be able to run off road on a Tuesday night!

Best wishes
