January Newsletter

I thought that I should get a newsletter out as soon as possible following the club AGM.

Firstly, a huge thankyou to those who stood down from various committee positions. Helen Keegan has retired after three years as Chairman and Jo Taylor-Greig as Social Secretary for a similar period. Jayne Cresswell has also retired as club secretary (although she has agreed to take on the role of Social Secretary. They are all hard acts to follow.

The new committee is:

Dave Elks – Secretary

Sally Smart – Treasurer

Chris Law – MEC7 Race Director

Helen Keegan – MEC7 Secretary and Herefordshire Athletics Association Rep

Rachel Bannister – Publicity and Social media officer

Dave Bannister – WebMaster

Neil Grinnell – Cross Country and Kit Coordinator

Jayne Cresswell – Social Secretary

Mark Lister – Chair and Membership Secretary

The committee is a very loose structure and we meet on an ad hoc basis about every 3 months to discuss club issues, such as the MEC7 race and social activities. All other club members are welcome to attend these meetings. I will be organising one for some time in February so keep your eyes open for the date.


The date for this year’s Magnificent Eastnor Castle 7 Race is 19th March and entries are now open. The link for entries is below.


https://www.entrycentral.com/event/121691 – cani cross

Please save the date. Chris will be looking for volunteers to marshal etc on the day so please offer your assistance if you can.


Rachel, our publicity and social media officer, has asked for photos from club runs from all groups that she can use to raise the club’s profile. Please take some as you go round and send them to her.


Please let me have any ideas or suggestions to help improve the club.

