Hi there
Hope you are having a good Bank Holiday weekend.
Pub Run
The last pub run of this summer will be on 6th September. Venue to be confirmed. Please keep an eye out on Facebook and your emails.
Newent Nine 2022
The Newent Nine will take place on 20th November. This is a popular race with Ledbury Harriers. Entries can be found here:- https://newentrunners.com/newent-9/
Winter Cross Country Races
The dates for the Winter Cross Country Races are:-
30th October
20th November
18th December
15th January
26th February.
Venues to be confirmed. Keep an eye out for further information and speak to Neil Grinnell if you are interested in doing any of these races.
Sorry this newsletter is very short. Hopefully the next one will be full on more news, race reports etc.