September Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

The Summer, such as it was, is now over and we will soon be back to club runs in the dark. Please make sure that you wear suitable clothing and bring a headtorch if possible.

A lot to get through in this letter, following our recent committee meeting.

October Pub Run

The last pub run of the year will take place this Tuesday, 1st October. We will meet at The Market House at 6.30 for a 6.45 start. We will then adjourn to The Talbot for drinks and chips after the run.

Fun and Fast

I know many of you have missed Fun and Fast over the Summer but it is back this Thursday (3rd October). We are going to try running on the new footpath next to the railway viaduct. Please meet under the arches of the viaduct at 6.00.

Recycling your old running shoes

Helen is organising a collection of old running shoes for recycling. Please bring your old shoes, whatever their condition to the club run on Tuesday 8th October. The shoes will either be donated for use by others or dismantled and recycled.

Newent 9

Entries are open for the Newent 9 which takes place on 17th November. The club has always had a good turn out for this race so sign up if you can. We will be arranging a recce run on Sunday 10th November and I will let you have full details of time etc nearer the date.

Couch to 5K 2025

We are planning to run our popular course again starting on Sunday 5th January 2025 and running for 9 weeks. If you are interested in helping to lead the course or if you know of anyone who is interested in participating please let me or Sally Smart know. We will start advertising the course and registration in December.

Magnificent Eastnor Castle 7 2025

We are awaiting confirmation of the date for next year’s event and we will let you know as soon as we can. It will almost certainly be in March. We do need someone to take the lead in promoting the event on Social Media, particularly on Facebook and Instagram. If you can help or know someone who can please let me know. This is a really important role as we are competing with other races for competitors and a good social media campaign can make a huge difference.

Hereford Running Track session

We are going to try and arrange a session at the refurbished track, probably on a Wednesday evening with Wye Valley Runners. It would be helpful to know if you are interested in coming to a session. Once we have an idea on the likely level of support we will sort out a date.

Litter Pick on the Town Trail/Riverside Walk

We will be arranging a date for a litter pick , probably on a Sunday morning. We did this last year and it was very successful. I will arrange to borrow the picking equipment and bags from Ledbury Town Council. All you will need to bring is gloves. Look out for an announcement of the date.

Newent parkrun takeover 7th December

We are planning to take on all of the volunteer roles at Newent parkrun. As you may know a number of the Run Directors at Newent are club members. I hope that if you are already a parkrunner you will be able to volunteer on that day. If you have never been to a parkrun it is an opportunity to come along and see what it is all about. More details in due course.

Winter Cross Country

The dates and venues for the Winter XC League are

10th November –  Bearwood

8th December – Rotherwas

12th January 2025 – Croft

2nd February –  Forest Fields

Neil will be asking for your details soon if you are interested in taking part so that he can register you.


Sarah Coggins has provided a race report on the recent Apperley Quarter Marathon

‘Despite the forecast of thunder and lightning we set off to Apperley about 13 miles from Ledbury. The first race was a Kiddython around the pitch, luckily the rain had stopped 5 minutes before the start.  We set off down the road on the 6.55 mile multi terrain course to the river Severn. We turned right at the Coalhouse Inn along the riverside path towards Odda’s chapel and Deerhurst church before reaching the road back up to the cricket club finish. There we were greeted with bottles of water, bananas, loads cake and a packet of homemade foot soak. There was a BBQ, drinks in the pavilion and a stall selling preserves. Over £600 was raised for various charities including Breast Cancer Now.
Looking forward to running it again next year with a bigger group from the Harriers
If you would like to send me a report on any race you have entered please do so and I will try and include it in the newsletter
I hope to see you at club runs in the next few weeks.
Best wishes