Tuesday Night Run and Details for helpers at the Mag 7

Hi there

Just a reminder that the Tuesday night run this week will take place at the Eastnor Deer Park.  It is 6:15pm for a 6:30 start.

Please see Chris’s briefing for this here:- Coursebrief2022

There will be leaders for all groups so do come along and take the opportunity to run somewhere different for a change.

Magnificient 7 race

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help out with the race on Saturday and Sunday.  Please read Chris’s brief above.  The marshalling points are below:-


If you have volunteered to help and your name is not on the map, please come down to the start for 9:00-9:30 am as there will be other jobs that need doing.  Thanks.


Cakes for the race.

Eastnor PTA are running the refreshment stall this year.  All contributions of cake are very welcome.  If you bring cakes, could you also provide them with a list of ingredients.  This is in case people ask about ingredients and allergies.  Thank you.

Look forward to seeing you on Tuesday night and Sunday.

Any questions, please email either myself or Chris or ask on Tuesday night.


