Couch to 5k

What a brilliant turn out – 26 runners last night and you all did so well. Gary, Jayne & I were very proud of you!

Homework…Warm up first then a total of 30 minutes…1 min 30 secs run, 1 min walk. Please don’t worry if you find this harder than you did in the group….the ‘groups’ do make such a difference. Run a bit less if needs be. Some of you did do some 2 minute runs last night and you may wish to try this again. Remember to do those cool down stretches especially the big running muscles: front of thigh, back of thigh and calves. Hold for 15 seconds.

Tip of the week is : keep your arms bent at a 90 degree angle. Swing them forward and back, not across your body. Arms will help propel you forwards.